If you live in North West Wales you can buy fresh seafood direct from us.
Simply join our Seafood Club and you can order from a tasty seasonal range of fish and shellfish. It's all subject to what the sea allows our fishermen to catch and, of course the weather. But then, not knowing exactly what kind of wonderful meal you'll be having is all part of the fun!
We offer a number of locations where you can pick up your order from our Fish Van.
Time for a change from cod and salmon? Then join our Seafood Club to buy fresh (like hours old) fish and shellfish. To join The Menai Seafood Club, please complete The Menai Seafood Club application form.
If you created an account with the The Menai Seafood Club and you forgot your password, you can reset it with an email. This will require you to enter a valid email address for your account.
You can get another Account Verification Code resent to your email address if it got lost. Remember to check in the junk email or spam folder, sometimes emails end up there.